Doing time management on the go
As part of the "Finkernagel Digital" corporate project, Finkernagel is currently working on forward-looking topics in eight different initiatives. The goal of the project is to further advance digitalization within the company.
Now, another initiative has been completed. We spoke with Hennig Twer, the head of the "Digital Vacation Applications" initiative.
Mr. Twer, please describe your initiative briefly. What was the task and what did you do with it?
Henning Twer: The vacation application was to be digitized in order to significantly simplify the workflows from application to approval to filing and to streamline the processing line.
The yellow, double-sided vacation request was previously filled out and signed by the employee, then submitted to the supervisor for approval and posted and filed in the HR office. A copy signed by the supervisor and HR office was returned to the applicant.
With the simultaneous goal of digitizing personnel files, we have found a common solution. Employees can now apply for vacation or other absences via an app and view their pay slips and personnel files at the same time. Time management was also included. The result is a holistic solution in which all elements interlock. Processing and use is greatly simplified for everyone involved.
It sounds as if you have extended the actual task of "vacation applications" to include the entire "time management".
Henning Twer: That's exactly how it is. The actual plan has been significantly expanded and made more complex. Time recording and monthly overviews, flextime balances and remaining vacation entitlements can now also be queried digitally by employees. We are also preparing a module for personnel resource planning to create our shift schedules.
Were there any particular challenges?
Henning Twer: Some. The partner was selected relatively quickly. More time-consuming were the new setups and linking of the modules and the associated coordination with the various contacts. Clarifications and training sessions could only be held via video conference, telephone or email due to Corona. In addition, day-to-day business had to run alongside the very intensive setup work.
What advice would you give to companies planning to introduce such a time management system?
Henning Twer: You should allow sufficient time for implementation, form a good team, hold regular meetings, address problems directly and always try to have a plan B up your sleeve.