EUR 3,600 for Altena flood victims

vor 3 Jahren
EUR 3,600 for Altena flood victims

The terrible floods in July also affected the Finkernagel company. The damage to property was considerable, but much less than for numerous other households and companies. The damage at Finkernagel was quickly repaired with the company's own personnel and spare parts in stock, so that production could be resumed after a short time and no:e employee:in had to stay at home.

The works council had the immediate idea of starting a collection within the workforce for those people in Altena who had lost all their household goods as a result of the floods and who were not insured or only inadequately insured. The sympathy of the workforce was enormous, and after three weeks the impressive sum of EUR 3,600 was collected. The chairman of the works council, Hristos Ouzounis, handed over the collected amount to Mrs. von Loh, head of personnel, to be passed on to the city of Altena.

We would like to thank all our employees for their generosity and are proud of the works council's campaign. Thanks to you, a great many people in Altena will be helped.

Note for completeness: The management has separately transferred an amount to the donation account of the city.